what's my photography philosophy?
My goal isn't to always deliver the most technically perfected portraits. My goal is to make you feel something when you look at your images. Sometimes that comes with a little bit of blur or grain, but to me, emotion trumps perfection every. single. time.
I live for golden hour so my sessions typically start about an hour and a half before sunset. We shoot for an average of 45-60 minutes. Depending on location we sometimes do a bit of walking so I always advise to bring some comfy shoes!
family sessions
I realize that planning your session can sometimes cause you more stress than joy. You're picturing your littles not cooperating, your husband's fake are-we-done-yet smile because pictures "aren't his thing", or your furry babies being distracted by every blade of grass moving. Let me tell you - I get it and I embrace it. I've gotten my photographic flow down so we don't need three hours to get the perfect shot. If the littles need to run around for 10 minutes to burn some energy then I'm all for it! Hop in and play with them. I love capturing loving bonds organically through playing, goofing around, and snuggling up with each other. I don't require picture-perfect smiles for every shot...boooring. This also takes some pressure off dad, too! Let him be the king of fun, the master of piggy-back rides, or the dare-devil as he play-throws your babes in the air. Whatever is your family is what I want you to be.

couples sessions
I love love. I love the love you share with your partner. The simple but delicate moments usually not captured. My sessions are a whole lot of laughing, cuddling, and smoochin'. I know that sometimes it can be awkward to be intimate in front of a stranger, but you'll quickly forget I'm even there. I'm basically a professional third-wheel.
Couples sessions aren't just for those that are engaged. Whether you're dating or you've been married for 5 years - your relationship deserves to be celebrated. I feel so honored by every couple that chooses me to share their story with and have their love captured. You guys are my sweet spot and fill my heart right up!